Monday, September 15, 2008


I am so thankful to report that we have a Moppets leader! Janice Krieger will take on that wonderful responsibility. She will be teaching the children some Preschool Child Evangelism Fellowship curriculum. We are praying that her co-worker from CEF will be able to teach every other meeting. We are still in need of volunteers to help Janice out and to do child care for the younger ones. Please let us know if this is something you would like to do! We also have opportunities for Mentor Moms, Discussion Table leaders, and Hospitality help.
The cost for this year of MOPS will be $24.oo (Mops International fee) and then $10 a month. This pays for your membership into MOPS, which includes a bi monthly magazine pertaining to Moms, devotional emails, e newsletters, discounts and special offers in the MOP shop and from their sponsors. The monthly fee includes child care, food, a craft once a month, door prizes, and lots of other special touches!
Please comment here, or see Pam, Angela, or Amy on Sunday to fill out a registration form if you want to get started!
We can't wait to see you in October!


Amanda Hug'n Kiss said...

Can you mail or email me a registration form? I am still planning on coming with just Jack at least through December. And if you need any fillers in the leadership area let me know. The only thing I can't commit to is childcare (I confess I'm feeling a little too pregnant) :)

Angela Miller said...

Mandi, I will email you the registration form. We do still need help with some different areas of leadership. How do you feel about possibly helping Amy with hospitality?

Angela Miller said...

Mandi, I thought I had your email address, but can't find it. Can you send it to me?